Emerging New York-based singer-songwriter Mae Krell invites us to explore the confusion of second chances with her new single tooth fairy.

Photo: Alex Lyon
tooth fairy is a gut-wrenching reflection on the possibility of forgiveness. With a nod to nostalgic fantasy, the calm folk-pop melody carries you off into a world of beautiful lyrics and raw emotion.
About the single Mae elaborates: “I wrote it after I found out that someone who used to be my best friend moved to the city where I grew up. It felt like tearing open an old wound that I didn’t know I had, and also put me in a spot to question: if the chance were to arise, would I want to give them a second chance? That’s something I’m still trying to figure out.”
Since her acclaimed 4-track EP, “imposter syndrome” debuted earlier this year, Mae has earned more than 500k streams and captured the hearts of Phoebe Bridgers fans and others alike.
tooth fairy comes just in time to be the theme song of the perfect melancholic walk on crisp, autumn leaves.
Catch Mae Krell on tour across the US and Canada here.
Listen to tooth fairy on Spotify and Apple Music. Follow Mae Krell on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.
by Jaylen Heady