Only The Poets are back in Oslo, Norway. The last time they were here as a band was back in March when they were supporting Louis Tomlinson. Tommy returned on his own a few weeks later to write music, and he also played two stripped down shows at Krøsset. This time the band is back on their own headlining tour, playing two shows, back-to-back, at John Dee.

It's about 7pm and the street outside John Dee in Oslo is swarming with youths who have just attended Only The Poets' first show of the evening. They're laughing, smiling, and I can hear people sharing their favourite moments from the concert with each other.
At 8pm the queue is being let in for show number two. Only The Poets takes the stage at 9:15 and the crowd is dancing and singing along from the get-go. The setlist includes songs like Dead Young, Even Hell, Waking in the Dark, Looking At You, as well as the more recent releases like Every Song I Ever Wrote and Nana's House. It's fun to see the crowd so engaged. Every word of every song is being sung, and with the sassy fan-project during Forget Your Name, the fans are really saying "this is our song now". (People were holding up signs with the name of someone they're ready to forget).
From the stage Tommy expresses appreciation for the continued love and support from the fans, and he emphasises on the fact that this fandom is a family. There are a lot of hearts in the air this evening and the atmosphere is all love. After two very successful shows in Oslo, the Our Time tour continues throughout Europe.
ONLY THE POETS with Oliver Keane
John Dee in Oslo, Norway
October 29, 2022
Photographed by Emmi Sollie
by Emmi Sollie